
Here is the changelog of Discordgate

Version 0.02

Sep 9, 2024

Minor Optimizations

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Discord servers from being recovered on first connection
  • Improved translation and spelling correction
  • When you connect in French, you are now always redirected in French (before you had to go through the footer to switch back to French)
  • SEO & favicon optimization

Version 0.01

Sep 2, 2024

Minor optimizations

  • Better handling of certain errors. The translation was not carried out and sometimes the error was not explicit enough
  • Modification of the "Made by a discord fan" button
  • Slight modification of the footer content
  • Added a border on the arrow to go back to the top of the page
  • Minor modification of the privacy policy
  • Improved the FAQ and textual content on certain tools to make their use clearer and easier
  • Optimized the timestamp converter tool and improved the accessibility of the buttons to copy the result.
  • SEO optimization

1st Version: 0.0

Aug 31, 2024

DiscordGate Released to the World

The first version includes:

  • 12 tools divided into 4 categories (Search, generation, formatting and configuration)
  • A blog
  • A Discord server

We look forward to your feedback!